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Perspectives from the ACS: ACGME Insights on COVID and Resident Training
Residents discuss overcoming the challenges of COVID-19
How Mid-South medical residents are dealing with training during the pandemic
An Upstream Focus: Rethinking Primary Care Training for Residents
Surgical Residents Retraining As Nurses To Aid In Fight Against COVID-19
COVID-19 Vaccines & Nursing Homes: Safety, Efficacy, and Residents’ Rights
LTCF COVID-19 Module: Resident Therapeutics Surveillance Reporting Pathway
Clinical Care: Managing COVID-Positive Residents
Webinar 3: Allied Health Support for Aged Care Residents during COVID-19
St. Petersburg College offering free training to Pinellas Co. residents impacted by COVID-19
Dermatology Residents’ Initial Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Webinar 2: Mental Health Support for Aged Care Residents during COVID-19